Pierre Choffé, BnF, presents DOREMUS extension to FRBR-oo ontology at CRM-SIG.
DOREMUS at CIDE 19, Athens, November 24-26th 2016
24-25/11/2016 Colloque CIDE 19 à Athènes (présentation de Dominique COTTE)
DOREMUS at EKAW – November 19th 2016 – Bologna
19/11/2016: EKAW 2016 à Bologne Presentation by Manel Achichi, Lirmm
DOREMUS at EWHA, Seoul, Korea – October 28-29th 2016
28-29/10/2016: “Creating and Curating Digital Music Archives”, EWHA, Séoul, Corée. Traitement des archives musicales à la Philharmonie et introduction de DOREMUS, Rodolphe Bailly, Philharmonie de Paris.
DOREMUS at Canadian Linked Data Summit, Montréal – October 24th 2016
Canadian Linked Data Summit, Montréal October 24th 2016 Presentation of DOREMUS to canadian librarians. See program.
Poster presentation at ISWC 2016
DOREMUS at Music Library Association 86th Annual Meeting 22-26 February 2017 in Orlando, FL
DOREMUS will be present at Music Library Association 86th Annual Meeting with a video presentation. It’s Happening Now: Two developments using music ontologies
Journée d’étude AFNOR CN46 / BnF – Présentation Doremus 24 juin 2016
Journée d’étude AFNOR CN46 / BnF see presentation
DOREMUS at SoWeDo @ IC16 – 7 juin 2016 – keynote talk by Konstantin Todorov
SoWeDo @ IC16: https://sowedo.lri.fr/ see slides
DOREMUS at Music Library Association Annual Meeting – 22-26 February 2017 in Orlando, FL
DOREMUS will be present a paper at Music Library Association 86th Annual Meeting 22-26 February 2017 in Orlando, FL
DOREMUS at IFLA 2016, Rome
IFLA16: http://2016.ifla.org/ Paper by Pierre Choffé: http://library.ifla.org/1322/ Presentation of DOREMUS conversion tools by Marie Destandeau
Journée AFNOR – July 6th 2016 – Retour d’expérience du projet DOREMUS
Retour d’expérience du projet DOREMUS Exposer ses données sur le web : pourquoi, pour qui ? par Pierre Choffé, BnF, expert en modélisation Isabelle Canno, RadioFrance, responsable de la bibliothèque musicale et Cécile Cecconi, Pôle ressources de la Cité de
SoWeDo conference – Key note by Konstantin Todorov
Conference: SoWeDo Slides: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_nxZpGQv9GKbEhQWGhJcUY4VFE
DOREMUS Tutorial as ESWC 2016
The tutorial has been a success. Find materials at ESWC 2016 Tutorial.
Doremus project at IAML – paper and tutorial
Doremus project will be present at IAML 2016 with a paper: “Introducing Doremus, a rich ontology for music” in the session: “Standards for music description” Pierre Choffé (Bibliothèque Nationale de France / Doremus, Paris), Marie Destandau (Philharmonie de Paris / Doremus, Paris)
Doremus at ODBase 2015 with a paper on ontology matching
Light-Weight Cross-Lingual Ontology Matching with LYAM++ presented at ODbase 2015 by Abdel Nasser Tigrine, Zohra Bellahsene and Konstantin Todorov
Doremus at ISWC 2015
Manel Achichi, Konstantin Todorov, Rodolphe Bailly, Cécile Cecconi, Marie Destandau and Raphael Troncy presented a poster “DOREMUS: Doing Reusable Musical Data” at ISCW 2015
Doremus at 2016 IAML Congress, Rome, Italy
Doremus project will present a paper : Introducing Doremus, a rich ontology for music, at IAML Congress 2016
5th Doremus general meeting in Lille
The project will hold its 5th general meeting at Lille University on December 10th and 11th 2015
Doremus au CiDE, Montpellier
Dominique Cotte présente le projet Doremus au CiDE.18 (18e colloque international sur le document numérique consacré cette année aux Documents et dispositifs à l’ère post-numérique.